Examples ======== This page contains several examples of how to use NailGun. The examples progress from simple to more advanced. You can run any of the scripts presented in this document. This is the set-up procedure for scripts that use NailGun:: python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install nailgun ./some_script.py # some script of your choice This is the set-up procedure for scripts that do not use NailGun:: python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install requests ./some_script.py # some script of your choice Additionally, a video demonstration entitled `NailGun Hands On `_ is available. .. contents:: Video Demonstration ------------------- Note that this video does not touch on features that were added after it was recorded on May 26 2015, such as the :ref:`label-update` method. .. raw:: html .. _label-getting-started: Getting Started --------------- This script demonstrates how to create an organization, print out its attributes and delete it using NailGun: .. literalinclude:: create_organization_nailgun.py This script demonstrates how to do the same *without* NailGun: .. literalinclude:: create_organization_plain.py Managing Server Configurations ------------------------------ In the example shown above, a :class:`nailgun.config.ServerConfig` object was created in the body of the script. However, inter-mixing configuration data and program logic in this manner is problematic: * Placing sensitive information in to a code-base puts that information at risk of becoming public, especially when the code-base is version-controlled. * Server-specific configuration information is likely to change frequently. Placing that information in to a code-base means subjecting that code-base to unnecessary churn, making it harder for developers to find useful information in a repository's change log. NailGun addresses this issue by providing full support for configuration files. Here's a simple example of how to create a pair of configuration objects, save them to disk, and read them back again:: >>> from nailgun.config import ServerConfig >>> ServerConfig('http://sat1.example.com').save('sat1') >>> ServerConfig('http://sat2.example.com').save('sat2') >>> set(ServerConfig.get_labels()) == set(('sat1', 'sat2')) True >>> sat1_cfg = ServerConfig.get('sat1') >>> sat2_cfg = ServerConfig.get('sat2') A label of "default" is used when saving or reading configuration objects if no explicit label is given. As a result, this is valid:: >>> from nailgun.config import ServerConfig >>> ServerConfig('bogus url').save() >>> ServerConfig.get().url == 'bogus url' True The use of "default" is especially useful if you have created numerous server configurations, but only want to work with one at a time:: >>> from nailgun.config import ServerConfig >>> ServerConfig.get('sat1').save() # same as .save(label='default') In addition, if no server configuration object is specified when instantiating an :class:`nailgun.entity_mixins.Entity` object, the server configuration labeled "default" is used. With this in mind, here's a revised version of the first script in section :ref:`label-getting-started`: .. literalinclude:: create_organization_nailgun_v2.py This works just fine in many use cases. But what if you do not want to save your server configuration to disk? This might be the case if multiple processes are using NailGun and each process should default to communicating with a different default server, or if you are working with a read-only file system. In this case, you can use :data:`nailgun.entity_mixins.DEFAULT_SERVER_CONFIG`. NailGun handles other use cases, too. For example, the XDG base directory specification is obeyed, meaning that you can do things like provide a system-wide configuration file or place user configuration data in an alternate location. Read :mod:`nailgun.config` for full details. Using More Methods ------------------ The examples so far have only made use of a small set of classes and methods: * The ``ServerConfig`` class and several of its methods. * The ``Organization`` class and its ``create``, ``get_values`` and ``delete`` methods. However, there are several more very useful high-level methods that you should be aware of. In addition, there are aspects to the ``create`` method that have not been touched on. .. contents:: :local: ``get_fields`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``get_fields`` method is closely related to the ``get_values`` method. The former tells you which values *may* be assigned to an entity, and the latter tells you what values *are* assigned to an entity. For example:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Product >>> product = Product(name='junk product') >>> product.get_values() {'name': 'junk product'} >>> product.get_fields() { 'description': , 'gpg_key': , 'id': , 'label': , 'name': , 'organization': , 'sync_plan': , } Fields serve two purposes. First, they provide typing information mixins. For example, a server expects this JSON payload when creating a product:: { "name": "junk product", "organization_id": 5, … } And a server will return this JSON payload when reading a product:: { "name": "junk product", "organization": { 'id': 3, 'label': 'c5f2646f-5975-48c4-b2a3-bf8398b44510', 'name': 'junk org', }, … } Notice how the "organization" field is named and structured differently in the above two cases. NailGun can deal with this irregularity due to the presence of the ``StringField`` and ``OneToOneField``. If you are ever fiddling with an entity's definition, be careful to use the right field types. Otherwise, you may get some strange and hard-to-troubleshoot bugs. Secondly, fields can generate random values for unit testing purposes. (This does *not* normally happen!) See the ``create_missing`` method for more information. ``create`` ~~~~~~~~~~ So far, we have only used brand new objects:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = entities.Organization(name='junk org').create() However, we can also use existing objects:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = entities.Organization() >>> org.name = 'junk org' >>> org = org.create() Note that the ``create`` method is side-effect free. As a result, the ``org = org.create()`` idiom is advisable. (The next section discusses this more.) ``read`` ~~~~~~~~ The ``read`` method fetches information about an entity. Typical usages of this method have already been shown, so this example goes in to more detail:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = Organization(id=418) >>> response = org.read() >>> for obj in (org, response): ... type(obj) ... >>> for obj in (org, response): ... obj.get_values() ... {'id': 418} { 'description': None, 'id': 418, 'label': 'junk_org', 'name': 'junk org', 'title': 'junk org', } Some notes on the above: * The ``read`` method requires that an ``id`` attribute be present. Running ``Organization().read()`` will throw an exception. * The ``read`` method is side-effect free. Rather than altering the object it is called on, it creates a new object, populates that object with attributes and returns the object. As a result, idioms like ``org = org.read()`` are advisable. So far, we have only used brand new objects:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = Organization(id=418).read() However, we can also use existing objects:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = Organziation() >>> org.id = 418 >>> org = org.read() .. _label-update: ``update`` ~~~~~~~~~~ The ``update`` method updates an entity's values. For example:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> org = Organization(id=418).read() >>> org.get_values() { 'description': None, 'id': 418, 'label': 'junk_org', 'name': 'junk org', 'title': 'junk org', } >>> org.name = 'junkier org' >>> org.description = 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' >>> org = org.update() # update all fields by default >>> org.get_values() { 'description': 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', 'id': 418, 'label': 'junk_org', 'name': 'junkier org', 'title': 'junkier org', } >>> org.description = None >>> org = org.update(['description']) # update only named fields >>> org.get_values() { 'description': None, 'id': 418, 'label': 'junk_org', 'name': 'junkier org', 'title': 'junkier org', } Some notes on the above: * By default, the ``update`` method updates all fields. However, it is also possible to update a subset of fields. * The ``update`` method is side-effect free. As a result, idioms like ``org = org.update()`` are advisable. So far, we have only called ``update`` on existing objects. However, we can also call ``update`` on brand new objects:: >>> from nailgun.entities import Organization >>> Organization( ... id=418, ... name='junkier org', ... description='supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', ... ).update(['name', 'description']) ``search`` ~~~~~~~~~~ The ``search`` method searches for entities. By default, it searches for all entities of a given kind:: lc_envs = LifecycleEnvironment().search() If any attributes have been set, they are used. This finds all lifecycle environments that have a name of "foo" and that belong to organization 1:: lc_envs = LifecycleEnvironment(name='foo', organization=1).search() You can choose to use only some fields in a search. This finds all lifecycle environments that have a name of "foo":: lc_envs = LifecycleEnvironment(name='foo', organization=1).search({'name'}) Other options are available, too. You can hard-code query parameters (especially useful for pagination), filter results locally and more. For examples of how to search, see :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntitySearchMixin.search`. For examples of how search queries are generated, see :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntitySearchMixin.search_payload`. Helper Functions ---------------- Nailgun has also some helper functions for common operations. ``to_json_serializable`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This function parses nested nailgun entities, date, datetime, numbers, dict and list so the result can be parsed by json module: >>> from nailgun import entities >>> from nailgun.config import ServerConfig >>> from datetime import date, datetime >>> cfg=ServerConfig('https://foo.bar') >>> dct = {'dict': {'objs': [ 1, 'str', 2.5, date(2016, 12 , 13), datetime(2016, 12, 14, 1, 2, 3) ]}} >>> entities.to_json(dct) {'dict': {'objs': [1, 'str', 2.5, '2016-12-13', '2016-12-14 01:02:03']} } >>> env = entities.Environment(cfg, id=1, name='env') >>> entities.to_json(env) {'id': 1, 'name': 'env'} >>> location = entities.Location(cfg, name='loc') >>> hostgroup = entities.HostGroup( cfg, name='hgroup', id=2, location=[location]) >>> entities.to_json_serializable(hostgroup) {'location': [{'name': 'loc'}], 'name': 'hgroup', 'id': 2} >>> mixed = [regular_object, env, hostgroup] >>> entities.to_json_serializable(mixed) [ {'dict': {'objs': [1, 'str', 2.5, '2016-12-13', '2016-12-13']}}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'env'}, {'location': [{'name': 'loc'}], 'name': 'hgroup', 'id': 2} ] >>> import json >>> json.dumps(entities.to_json_serializable(mixed)) '[{"dict": {"objs": [1, "str", 2.5, "2016-12-13", "2016-12-13"]}}, {"id": 1, "name": "env"}, {"location": [{"name": "loc"}], "name": "hgroup", "id": 2}]' Using Lower Layers ------------------ This section demonstrates how to create a user account. To make things interesting, there are some extra considerations: * The user account must belong to the organization labeled "Default_Organization". * The user account must be named "Alice" and have the password "hackme". * The user account must be created on a pair of satellites. Two sets of code that accomplish this task are listed. The first body of code shows how to accomplish the task with NailGun. The second body of code does not make use of NailGun, and instead relies entirely on `Requests`_ and standard library modules. .. literalinclude:: create_user_nailgun.py The code above makes use of NailGun. The code below makes use of `Requests`_ and standard library modules. .. literalinclude:: create_user_plain.py What's different between the two scripts? First, both scripts pass around ``server_config`` objects (see :class:`nailgun.config.ServerConfig`). However, the NailGun script does not include any hard-coded parameters. Instead, configurations are read from disk. This makes the script more secure (it can be published publicly without any information leakage) and maintainable (server details can change independent of programming logic). Second, the sans-NailGun script relies entirely on convention when placing values in to and retrieving values from the ``server_config`` objects. This is easy to get wrong. For example, one piece of code might place a value named ``'verify_ssl'`` in to a dictionary and a second piece of code might retrieve a value named ``'verify'``. This is a mistake, but you won't know about it until runtime. In contrast, the ``ServerConfig`` objects have an explicit set of possible instance attributes, and tools such as Flake can use this information when linting code. (Similarly, NailGun's entity objects such as ``Organization`` and ``User`` have an explicit set of possible instance attributes.) Thus, NailGun allows for more effective static analysis. Third, NailGun automatically checks HTTP status codes for you when you call methods such as ``create``. In contrast, the sans-NailGun script requires that the user call ``raise_for_status`` or some equivalent every time a response is received. Thus, NailGun makes it harder for undetected errors to creep in to code and cause trouble. Fourth, there are several hard-coded paths present in the sans-NailGun script: ``'/katello/api/v2/organizations'`` and ``'/api/v2/users'``. This is a hassle. Developers need to look up a path every time they write an API call, and it's easy to make a mistake and waste time troubleshooting the resultant error. NailGun shields the developer from this issue — not a single path is present! Fifth, the NailGun script shields developers from idiosyncrasies in JSON request formats. Notice how no nested dict is necessary when issuing a GET request for organizations, but a nested dict is necessary when issuing a POST request for users. Differences like this abound. NailGun packages data for you. Sixth, and perhaps most obviously, the NailGun script is *significantly* shorter! This makes it easier to focus on high-level business logic instead of worrying about implementation details. .. _Requests: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ .. _Robottelo: http://robottelo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/